Some people are fortunate enough to have never experienced bed bugs in their lives. To them, bed bugs are probably still some insect that only exists in silly bedtime songs. But for others, these devious hitchhikers are very real and are a recurring issue that they must deal with every two or three years.
Bed bugs are tiny uninvited guests that fall among the worst kind of pests. These tiny bloodsuckers have been around just about as long as man and have perfected the skill of hiding in cracks and crevices just to come out at night and feast on you.
A nasty bed bug infestation can give you many sleepless nights as these creatures will have you tossing and turning in your bed. If you are struggling with a bed bug problem, you may be wondering why bed bugs are attracted to your house.
What Attracts Bed Bugs?
There’s a common misconception that dirty spaces attract bed bugs. The reality is bed bugs couldn’t care less about the sanitation of their surroundings. Bed bugs create their homes around areas where animals and people live, and the only thing that attracts them is blood.
Another misconception is that bed bugs only live on mattresses, and to be fair, the name can be a bit misleading. The truth is bed bugs can easily live in clothing stores, hostels, motels, and hotel rooms: trains, buses, libraries, and even airports.
If you travel frequently, you are more likely to pick up bedbugs from public places you visit or stay at.
Bed bugs have evolved and adapted over time with the sole purpose of seeking out and feeding on animal and human blood, and they’re very good at it.
Bed bugs use a combination of sensory adaptations to find hosts with ease. For starters, bed bugs like the warm temperature of a sleeping body. Even in the warm weather of summer, your body heat will always be warmer than your surroundings.
Bed bugs are attracted to the carbon dioxide you produce when you exhale, letting them know exactly where to find you. However, this is common among most parasitic insects. They also tend to stay within proximity of their primary food source (which is you) hence why they find mattresses ideal places to hide.
Although the cleanliness of your room won’t matter much to bed bugs, research has shown that they’re attracted to accumulated dirty laundry, especially clothes with a strong human scent. This is something you may need to consider if you’re a person who lies to hoard dirty laundry since bed bugs lay eggs fast.
How Do I Know If I Have Bedbugs In My House?
If you have a bed bug problem, you can expect to find them inside your headboard, at the joints and hard-to-reach corners, even inside living room furniture and electrical appliances.
But bed bugs typically hide well away from plain sight; therefore, it might be hard for you to find you have bed bugs. Unlike mosquitos that produce a tell-tale sound, bedbugs are completely silent. Their flat, roundish shape allows them to squeeze into almost any space, which is why DIY bed bug solutions are not a good idea.
The most obvious sign that you have bedbugs should be evident bed bug bites. Bed bug bites will show on your skin as small, reddish, irritated spots that resemble rashes. Brownish stains on your clothing or bedding are an indicator of dried blood caused by crushed bedbugs.
Finding a bed bug on your mattress can be pretty scary, but dealing with an infestation can be a nightmare. If you suspect you have a bedbug infestation, it is best to reach out to professional pest control services to help you get rid of the problem.
How To Ward Off Bedbugs
Inspect Your Surroundings
It won’t hurt to inspect your space, especially in a new environment. If you are in a hotel, check the linens and the bed.
If on a train or bus, check the seats, racks, and edges. Places with high human traffic, where people are often stationary for extended periods, offer the perfect opportunity for bedbugs to sneak into your luggage or clothing.
The few seconds or minutes spent doing this could save you a lot of money and frustration.
Use Protective Covers
Protective covers on mattresses and furniture also help ward off bedbugs. Plastic covers seal off possible hiding places where bedbugs will hide themselves to avoid detection. Some covers even come treated with pesticides to repel bed bugs and other pests.
Vacuum Your Personal Space Frequently
Vacuuming your office, home or furniture also prevents bed bugs from making a home for themselves in your personal space. Remember that bed bugs can survive anywhere their host does. Airing out your space regularly with a vacuum will ensure that any bed bugs hanging around are quickly removed from the area.
Seal Up Possible Hiding Spots
Pay attention to areas close to furniture and, of course, inside of your bedroom. Bedbugs will hide in dark spaces like frames, cabinet edges, sockets, and even cracks in the walls. Consider sealing these areas up to prevent them from setting up camp in your personal space.
Final Thoughts
What makes bed bugs so irritating is their ability to travel great distances with relative ease, not to mention their rapid breeding cycles and relatively long lifespans.
Bed bugs can become a very big problem for home and business owners. If not addressed quickly, small infestations can render an entire building uninhabitable. Imagine the reputational damage these little critters can do to a business.
Simple preventative measures such as decluttering, remaining vigilant in public spaces, vacuuming regularly, and using protective covers will go a long way in helping you avoid an infestation.