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Nampa Wasp Control

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Wasps are not a pest that usually become a problem inside the home, but they can make going outside unbearable. Even having just one wasp nest outside of your home will make it difficult to enjoy a backyard barbecue, or even enjoy a morning coffee on your porch. Wasp nests do not typically cause significant property damage, but the wasps inside will attack, often unprovoked, and their stings can cause an immense amount of pain and swelling. 

If you have seen a wasp nest, or several wasps on your property, you should never try to handle it on your own. A Nampa wasp control company can eliminate the problem and keep it from coming back. 

What is the Difference Between Bees, Wasps, and Hornets?

Many homeowners see flying insects around their home, but they are unsure what type of pest they are dealing with. It is important to determine if the pests you are seeing are wasps, hornets, or bees, so you can use the correct method to remove them.

There are over 100,000 species of wasps, but only a fraction of these are hornets. While all hornets are wasps, not all wasps are hornets, as the term ‘wasp’ is a general one referring to many different species. Hornets are usually a bit larger and chubbier than other types of wasps, and that means they often have more venom that can inflict serious damage. Hornets can also have the distinctive black and yellow stripes of other wasps, but that is not always the case. 

Nampa Pest Control Manangement

Bees, on the other hand, are typically shorter than wasps. They also usually have a light coating of downy hair. Unlike wasps, most bees can only sting once before they die, particularly honeybees. If a Nampa wasp control company finds you have an overpopulation of bees on your property and not wasps, they will likely remove them rather than kill them, as these insects are vital to the ecosystem.

The Lifespan of Wasps

It is important to understand the life cycle of a wasp, as this can help you understand when they are the biggest threat.  A worker paper wasp can live 3 to 4 months, while the queen can live upto 12 months.  All wasp colonies will have a queen but unlike other pests, such as ants, killing the queen will not necessarily get rid of the colony. The queen lays eggs and creates cells within the nest, but if she dies, the colony may simply decide which wasp is her successor.

As the queen tries to populate the colony, the worker wasps will search for food during the spring and summer. They will bring this food back to the nest and use it to feed the young larvae in the cells of the nest. By late July and August, all of the larvae have grown into adults and left the nest. At this point, the priority of the wasps is only survival. They will become extremely aggressive during this time while they search for food, usually in garbage cans and around your home.

When the temperatures start to drop and the cold months of winter set in, the worker wasps of the colony will die. The queen, however, will survive the winter months and create a new colony once the temperature becomes warmer. If the queen is killed during the winter months, it will prevent her from creating a new nest in the following spring and summer. 

Why You Should Never DIY Nampa Wasp Control

Wasps are extremely aggressive creatures. They will attack with little to no provocation and when they do, they will swarm. One nest can contain anywhere between 25 and 100 wasps, depending on the time in the season. Still, even when a small colony swarms, each wasp will sting over and over again, which is physically painful and can negatively impact your health. Wheezing, sharp drops in blood pressure, shock, and even cardiac arrest have been associated with wasp stings. 

Trying to remove wasps yourself can also cause damage to your home. Some people suggest using fire to smoke the wasps out, but that can have devastating consequences, particularly if the nest is attached to your home. Others sometimes try to flood the nest, which is not only ineffective, but can also cause property damage. 

Nampa wasp control company will have the necessary safety equipment, expert knowledge, and professional products to safely and effectively remove a wasp colony from your property. 

Wasp Control Experts in Nampa

Call Our Wasp Control Experts in Nampa Today

If you have spotted a wasp nest on your property, or have just noticed an increased population, our Nampa wasp control experts at Armis Pest Management are here to help. Call us today at 208-650-7378 or contact us online to request a free inspection and to learn more about how we can help.