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Heat Assault delivers unparalleled performance, ensuring a precise and thorough eradication of bed bugs on the initial treatment. With industry-leading power, the system swiftly attains ‘kill zone’ temperatures, relentlessly rising to guarantee the demise of all bed bugs and their eggs. Achieve a 100% success rate with just one treatment.
If you’re like most people, the word “bedbug” probably makes your skin crawl. Bedbugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. They’re often found in clusters near or inside mattresses, bed frames, headboards, electronics, and more. Bedbugs are not only a nuisance but they can also cause unnecessary mental distress for everyone in the home.
If you suspect you have bedbugs, there is no need to panic. The first step to take is to perform a visual inspection to identify and confirm if you really do have them and, then, to take appropriate action. The source of the infestation is typically found on or near your bed. You can use the above image as a reference for your ‘do-it-yourself’ inspection. In the image, you fill find the different sizes of bed bugs according to their developmental stage. There are five stages to their development, each stage called an ‘instar’ after hatching from their egg. If you can’t do the inspection yourself, call a professional Boise bed bug exterminator like the ones at Armis to perform one for you.
This article looks at some of the most effective methods used by professional Boise, ID pest control services.
One of the first things a Boise, ID bed bug control company does is inspect your home. The inspector checks all the usual areas where these insects can be found, including mattress seams, bedsheets, cracks in headboards, bed frames, baseboards, and around walls. Sometimes it takes a trained eye to spot bed bugs around your bed or in other hard-to-see places like behind electrical switch plates, for instance.
Some of the signs of a bedbug infestation include discarded bed bug skins called ‘exuvia’, eggs, or live bugs that are brownish-red with oval-shaped bodies. They also have a distinct odor that a trained professional will detect. At times, a visual inspection is not enough to determine if there is bedbug activity. During such circumstances, trained dogs are used to locate presence via scent but also swab tests are performed in common areas where they hide to detect activity.
Our Boise bed bug control professional may recommend laundering all your bedding and clothes in hot water and then placing them in sealed plastic bags for at least two weeks. This heat process of washing with hot water then drying clothes at high temperatures, will kill any bedbugs or eggs that may be present. Another option is to encase your mattress and box spring in unique zippered and chemically treated covers that prevent bedbugs from gaining entry and getting established. You can then leave these items in place or remove them from your home if the infestation is severe. As a note: prior to removing any item from a bedbug infested room it is strongly recommended that you consult with a professional. Removing bedbug infested items from a room may worsen the problem by spreading bedbugs into other areas of the home.
Steam is another effective way to get rid of bedbugs. The pest control professionals at Armis Pest Management will use a high-pressure steamer to apply 100% heat to all the areas where bedbugs may be hiding, including mattresses, walls, carpets, and furniture. This method will kill all sized bedbugs and their eggs when they come in contact with the steam. Another method used for better results is to heat treat the problem room. Heat treating a room at temperatures above 125 degrees Fahrenheit for a certain amount of time will kill all bedbugs at all stages of development and it is a safer choice due to the absence of chemicals.
Chemical treatment of bedbugs is the last thing one wants but it’s also a cheaper option for bedbug control. In severe cases, when an infestation has spread throughout a house, and other methods have failed to get rid of the bedbugs, a professional bed bug exterminator in Boise will recommend the use of residual products specifically formulated for this type of pest. When scheduling a chemical treatment of bedbugs, a Boise pest control company will make all the necessary suggestions for you to prepare for the treatment. Chemicals for the control of bedbugs are constantly being introduced due to the constant resistance these pests genetically build overtime due to the overuse of certain products. Armis Pest Management uses the latest products introduced within the industry to ensure safe and effective control of bedbugs.
Bedbug infestations can be challenging to get rid of on your own. The insects are hardy and can survive without a blood meal for long periods of time. In addition, they’re good at hiding in tiny crevices where you may not be able to detect them at all. Armis Pest Management has the experience and the right tools to identify all the areas where these bugs hide in order to get rid of them completely.
Professional Pest Control Nampa exterminators also know how to prevent bedbugs from coming back. They may recommend sealing up cracks and crevices, using a unique mattress cover, or laundering all your bedding and clothes through high temperatures, and by educating you on how to be proactive in preventing them from getting established again.
Additionally, some over-the-counter chemicals used in bedbug control can be hazardous to your health if one is not trained in their application. It’s essential to use a professional, who is trained and licensed in the application of professional grade products in order to prevent damage to your home and/or your health.
When you discover bedbugs in your home, it is vital to take action immediately before they spread and become more challenging to control and cost you more money in the long run. When you call a Boise pest control company for help, make sure that they’re familiar with this particular type of bug. You’ll be surprised at how many companies do not know how to appropriately control this particular pest. The best thing for you to do is to do your research, call around local companies and ask informed questions, and also ask your friends if they know of a reputable ‘pest control company near me’ that handles bed bugs.
It is essential that as you try to get rid of bed bugs in your home, you contact a reputable bed bug exterminator in Boise such as Armis Pest Management. We can conduct visual inspections and swab tests to identify bed bug activity in your home. Then we will make the recommendations for a treatment that will give you the best results to achieve complete control of bed bugs. At Armis, we offer maintenance plans and a variety of treatments including: chemical, steam, heat, and mattress encasements. If you have a bed bug infestation don’t hesitate to contact us by using our online form or by calling (208) 650-7378.