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Nampa Aphid Control

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Of all the pests in Nampa, aphids are the most destructive to agriculture crops and gardens. Aphids are very small insects, measuring anywhere from one to ten millimeters in length. They have soft bodies equipped with long slender mouthparts that are used to pierce leaves, stems, and other tender parts of plants. Aphids pierce the foliage so they can suck out the fluid inside. Aphids are usually green in color, but they can also be black, wooly, white, and even colorless. Aphids produce very rapidly, which is why when an infestation sets in, you need the help of a Nampa aphid control company.

Life Cycle of Aphids

Aphids reproduce asexually, and adult females spend most of the year giving birth to live offspring. As the temperature starts to increase in Nampa, aphids start to reproduce very quickly. One insect can develop from a newborn nymph into an adult that reproduces in just seven or eight days. In just one week, an adult aphid can produce as many as 80 offspring. As a result, a relatively small aphid population can grow into a large problem very quickly. 

Nampa Pest Control Manangement

How to Spot Damage from Aphids

Aphids cause an immense amount of damage to gardens and crops as they feed on the vegetation found in these areas. Not only do they pierce important foliage, but they can also carry and transmit viruses from one plant to another. Depending on the species of a plant, an aphid may attack its stems, leaves, flowers, buds, or roots. New growth and succulent growth are particularly attractive to aphids. Some species, such as the rosy apple aphid, focus on just one or two different types of plants. Others, such as the green peach aphid, will use many different types of plants as a food source.

Aphid damage is not always readily apparent, but some of the most common signs to look for are as follows:

  • Curling, misshapen, yellow, or stunted leaves 
  • A sticky substance covering the leaves or stems of plants, which is a sign that aphids have sucked sap out of the vegetation
  • Honeydew, which is a sugary liquid that aphids produce as waste and leave on plants
  • Fungal growth is known as sooty mold from honeydew that appears on branches and leaves, causing them to turn black
  • Gall formation on leaves and roots, which some aphid species cause

The honeydew produced by aphids can also fall on cars, driveways, and into other areas when aphids are feeding in trees. When it does, it can also attract other types of pests, particularly ants. 

How to Treat Aphids in Nampa

There are many different types of insecticides that are very effective at treating aphid problems. Soil drench applications are the most common. To get the best results, these treatments should be applied during late fall or spring. Although getting rid of aphids may seem relatively straightforward, it is always best to leave these jobs to a Nampa Pest Control professional. Many of the products on the market today are toxic, particularly when they are not handled properly.

Common Types of Aphids in Nampa

The two types of aphids most common in Nampa are the spruce aphid and the wooly apple aphid. The spruce aphid is very typical of other species, using their slender mouthparts to reach into plants and suck the sap contained inside. Spruce aphids have both winged and wingless varieties and as their name implies, they mainly feed on spruce trees.  

The first sign of a spruce aphid problem is yellowing spruce needles. As the population grows, the needles will discolor more quickly and needles will brown and fall from the tree. In the Northwest, populations usually grow largest in late winter and early spring. Populations tend to drop in the summer months, but the insects may reappear in the fall to eat the current year’s foliage.

Wooly apple aphids are different from other aphids in just about every way. Wooly apple aphids live in colonies, which start out as a cottony mass usually found in pruning scars and other wounds on the trunks and branches of trees. The insects themselves are purple in color and they are surrounded by cottony, white, thread-like secretions. These aphids feed on the roots and limbs of trees, which can result in tree mortality. 

Aphid Control Experts in Nampa

Our Aphid Control Experts in Nampa Can Get Rid of Your Problem

Aphids can quickly turn a beautiful garden into a place of damaged and dying vegetation. At Armis Pest Management, our Treasure Valley pest experts can get rid of a problem to stop the damage from occurring, so you can enjoy your outdoor space once again. Contact us now at 208-650-7378 or contact us online to request a quote.