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Common Bugs in Idaho

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Idaho is known for many things. Here we grow the best potatoes in the country, have scenic views of mountain landscapes, and people can enjoy many outdoor recreation areas that are perfect for hiking, biking, and more. Unfortunately, the state is also known for many different types of pests. Some of these pests are found throughout the entire country, while others are native to the Gem State. Below, our Treasure Valley pest control expert outlines the most common bugs to be found here.


The ants in Idaho come in many different shapes and sizes, but the most common types include:

  • Little black ants
  • Carpenter ants
  • Pharaoh ants
  • Rasberry crazy ants
  • Pavement ants
  • Odorous house ants

Ants mainly enter homes looking for food and water so the best way to keep them out is to make sure these essential items are inaccessible to the pests. Clean up food and dirty dishes right after eating, wipe down counters, and sweep crumbs off the floor. If your home is damp, or there is a damp area such as a basement, a dehumidifier can also help keep ants at bay.

Bed Bugs

Of all the pests that could invade your home, bed bugs are some of the most unsettling because they are very good at hiding and come out at night to feed on humans. Bed bugs are often called hitchhikers because they enter homes using luggage and used goods, such as used clothing and furniture. Bed bugs are most likely to be found in areas that have many people coming and going, such as in hotels, resorts, hostels, and apartment buildings. Bed bugs are one of the trickier types of pests to get rid of once they have made their way into a home, but it is possible. An Idaho pest control company can explain the best way to do it.


Finding cockroaches in your home is sure to fill you with disgust. The three main types of cockroaches in Idaho are as follows:

  • The German Cockroach: The most common type of cockroach in Idaho, and throughout the world, the German cockroach is tan to light brown and they have stripes on their back.
  • The Brown-Banded Cockroach: These pests got their name from the fact that they have brown bands across their wings. Brown-banded cockroaches prefer areas that are warmer and drier, unlike other species, and they are often found in areas such as cupboards.
  • The American Cockroach: The American cockroach can range in length from 1 1/4 inches to 2 1/8 inches, making it the largest species encountered in Idaho.


There are ten different species of earwigs in the United States but in Idaho, the most common is the non-native European earwig. While unsightly, earwigs do not actually pose a threat to humans, contrary to the popular myth. Earwigs do bring some benefits to gardens, as they eat the aphids that feed on plants. However, when populations grow out of control, earwigs can also quickly damage budding plants and raspberries.


The only venomous spider in Idaho that produces an immediate reaction is the black widow spider. The black widow spider is toxic to humans, but the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare has never reported a human death from a black widow spider bite. Still, being bitten by a black widow can make you quite sick, so it is important to let a professional handle the problem if even one has made its way into your home. Other common spiders in the state are cellar spiders, wolf spiders, and hobo spiders.


Fortunately, Idaho does not have the massive mosquito populations that are seen in other states. Still, that does not mean Idahoans never encounter them. Mosquitoes are small and annoying, but they pose a big threat to humans. These tiny creatures can transmit very dangerous diseases such as Zika and West Nile virus.

Stinging Insects

Stinging insects instill a real fear in some people, particularly those who are allergic to the venom they inject. The most common stinging insects in Idaho are paper wasps, mud daubers, yellow jackets, and hornets. All of these insects can sting repeatedly because they do not lose their stinger afterward, which can make an attack quite severe.

Our Pest Control Company in Idaho Can Help with Any Bug Problem You Have

Regardless of the type of pest you are dealing with, our Idaho pest control company can get rid of it for you. At Armis Pest Management, our pest control experts have the necessary experience to eliminate infestations quickly so you can enjoy your home once again. Contact us now at 208-650-7378 or contact us online to request a quote.

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