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Bed Bugs in the Treasure Valley: What You Need to Know

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Pete Olesen gave the Treasure Valley its name in 1959 to reflect the opportunities and resources of the area. Residents clearly love this particular area of the state, as it is the most populated region in all of Idaho. Unfortunately, it is not only people that love Treasure Valley. Bed bugs do too, and infestations are on the rise. Bed bugs must surround themselves with warm-blooded hosts, such as human beings and their pets. As such, the larger the population grows, the more likely bed bugs are going to cause a problem.

If you have noticed or suspect a bed bug problem in your home, the priority is to get them out as soon as possible. Before you can begin tackling the problem, though, you must understand a few basic facts about this common pest.

The Life Cycle and Appearance of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a reddish-brown color and their bodies are flat and round. Adults are about the size of an apple seed. Before they eat, their bodies are quite flat. As they feed, usually while a host is sleeping, their bodies will start to swell. At this point, bed bugs can expand by up to 50 percent in length and up to 200 percent in weight.

Prior to becoming an adult, a bed bug will go through five different life stages. During these stages, bed bugs are known as nymphs. The last two stages of their life, the sixth and seventh, are considered adult stages. After every stage of the life cycle, bed bugs molt and shed their skin. As such, finding these shell casings is often one of the first signs that bed bugs are in a home.

Where Bed Bugs Hide

Bed bugs crawl into the nooks and crannies of soft furniture that can provide protection for the pests. When a warm-blooded host is nearby, they come out to feed. Due to their name, it is a common misconception that bed bugs only reside in mattresses and box springs. Although these areas are favored among bed bugs, they will hide in just about any other type of furniture and even other places, as well. 

The bodies of bed bugs are narrow, allowing them to fit into many different places. They can also live for months without food, allowing them to remain in place until a food source is nearby. Bed bugs are notorious hitchhikers and they will crawl into the seams of luggage, bedding, clothing, and bags. Once bed bugs have found an area close to a host, they will not usually stray more than 8 feet from the feeding spot. Still, bed bugs can crawl more than 100 feet in one night, so simply moving an infested piece of furniture to another room is not enough to get rid of the problem.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs do prefer to only come out when a host is sleeping and so, it can be difficult to determine whether or not you have a problem. Fortunately, bed bugs will always leave signs that they are nearby. First and foremost, they are there to eat and will always leave behind a red, itchy bump. Many times, these bites form a pattern of a line of three, although that is certainly not always the case. If you are regularly waking up with bites, you should investigate further to determine if you have a problem. Other signs of a bed bug problem include:

  • Rust-colored stains on sheets from the bugs being crushed as you sleep
  • Reddish-black specks, which are likely fecal droppings
  • Small eggs that are cream-colored and look similar to grains of rice
  • Live bed bugs that are reddish-brown in color

If you notice any of these signs in your home, there are risks associated with trying to handle the problem on your own. The pesticides available on the market today are not always safe to use, particularly for those who are not familiar with them. They can contain many chemicals that are toxic for both humans and their pets. Bed bugs are also known for being one of the most difficult types of pests to get out of the home. A professional pest control company in Treasure Valley will know how to eliminate pests in a safe and effective manner.

Call Our Bed Bug Control Experts in Treasure Valley for a Free Inspection

A bed bug problem will cause problems with your sleep and generally make life in the home unpleasant. At Armis Pest Management, our Treasure Valley bed bug control experts can provide the advice you need and get rid of your infestation once and for all. Call us now at 208-650-7378 or contact us online to request a free inspection and quote.

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